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Notifications are the messages that sent to a parent window of the IM client application and notify about any events initiated by the IM server. Notifications deliver information on incoming and forwarded instant messages, changes in the user's Contact List, adding/removing assigned messaging groups, changing group permissions, etc. The handle to the window of the application that should receive these notifications is set through the IServerClient::Initialize function call.

Notifications are sent in the form of WM_NOTIFY_SERVER message.

lResult = SendMessage(     (HWND) hParentWnd,     (UINT) WM_NOTIFY_SERVER,     (WPARAM) wParam,     (LPARAM) lParam );


Handle to a destination window.
Identifier of the notification message. See available notification messages in the table below.
Contains additional information and data depending on the notification message.

Return Value

The return value is ignored except for notification messages that specify otherwise.

Notification Messages

NOTIFY_ACCOUNT_PASSWORD_RESETNotifies the IM client application current user's password has been reset on the IM server.
NOTIFY_CONTACT_STATUSNotifies the IM client application some user's presence status from the Contact List and/or group contacts has been changed.
NOTIFY_CONTACTS_ADDEDNotifies the IM client application that new contacts are available to current user on the IM server.
NOTIFY_CONTACTS_CHANGEDNotifies the IM client application that the list of contacts available to current user on the IM server has been changed.
NOTIFY_CONTACTS_NEEDS_TO_REBUILDNotifies the IM client application that the user's contacts have been reset due to major changes in the users structure on the IM server.
NOTIFY_CONTACTS_REBUILTNotifies the IM client application that the user's contacts have been rebuilt on the IM server and must be received again.
NOTIFY_FILE_STATUSNotifies the IM client application on a status of currently transmitting file transfer including amount of sent/received data and current progress. This notification is sent continiously while the file transfer process occurs.
NOTIFY_FORWARD_MESSAGENotifies the IM client application on a forwarded instant message to a single recipient which has been sent from a remote IM client application that uses the same user account.
NOTIFY_FORWARD_MULTIPLE_MESSAGENotifies the IM client application on a forwarded instant message to multiple recipients which has been sent from a remote IM client application that uses the same user account.
NOTIFY_GROUP_ADDEDNotifies the IM client application that current user has been added (assigned) to specified messaging group.
NOTIFY_GROUP_ADDED_BY_USERNotifies the IM client application that current user has been added (assigned) to several specified messaging groups.
NOTIFY_GROUP_CHANGEDNotifies the IM client application that assigned messaging group has been renamed and/or it's permissions have been changed.
NOTIFY_GROUP_CHANGED_BY_USERNotifies the IM client application that several assigned messaging groups have been renamed and/or their permissions have been changed.
NOTIFY_GROUP_REMOVEDNotifies the IM client application that current user has been removed (unassigned) from specified messaging group.
NOTIFY_GROUP_REMOVED_BY_USERNotifies the IM client application that current user has been removed (unassigned) from several specified messaging groups.
NOTIFY_MESSAGE_TYPING_EVENTNotifies the IM client application that remote user is typing a message.
NOTIFY_NEW_MESSAGENotifies the IM client application on a new incoming instant message.
NOTIFY_NEW_TRANSFERNotifies the IM client application on a new incoming file transfer request.
NOTIFY_SESSION_CLOSEDNotifies the IM client application that the connection with the IM server has been lost and the session has been closed. This can be a result of network issues or the IM server forcefully closes the session.
NOTIFY_SESSION_CLOSED_AS_EXISTINGNotifies the IM client application that the connection with the IM server has been automatically interrupted and the session has been closed. This can be a result of another connection to the IM server made under the same user account.
NOTIFY_SESSION_PINGPONGNotifies the IM client application that the IM server checks a live status of the application. The IM client may bypass this notification message.